Community of Christ Sites

Visitor's Center (free) In the visitor's center you will find paintings, artifacts, and information about the city and its people.

Red Brick Store (free) Joseph Smith's old store. The ladies Relief Society first met here. Joseph's office was here. Also there is a larger upper room where meetings were held. And the store still sells the same goods that were sold there in the 1840's.

Walking tour: There is a guided tour of the Smith family homes that starts at the Joseph Smith Visitor's Center.  It costs $3 per person. A guide will take you through the rooms of these homes and share stories of what occurred in these homes. The following homes and cemetery are part of the tour.

The Homestead: This cabin was Joseph and Emma's first home.

Mansion House: Joseph built this bigger home to accommodate all the guests he had. He built a hotel wing, but it has been removed since.

Nauvoo House: Joseph and a group of investors decided to build this three story building but it was abandoned before it could be finished.
It is now finished and is available for rent for overnight group housing or receptions. It is right along the bank of the Mississippi River. Here is a link if you are interested. Nauvoo House Rental

Cemetery: The Smith family cemetery. The graves of Joseph Smith Jr., Emma Smith, Hyrum Smith, and Joseph's parents plus others are here.

May – October
    Monday through Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
    Sunday 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
    Closed Sunday, September 1, 2013

November - December

    Tuesday through Saturday 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
    Closed December 25, 26

March – April

    Tuesday through Saturday 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
    Closed April 12 – 22, 2013 for
    Community of Christ World Conference

To view the rest of the Community of Christ historic sites in Kirtland, Ohio and Missouri here is the link to their site. CofChrist Historic Sites